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Prepaid Subscription - Ranger Blend

Prepaid Subscription - Ranger Blend

Regular price $14.00 NZD
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This product is to sign up for a 3 month prepaid subscription which automatically recurs every 3 months.

What is Ranger? - A Classic Espresso Blend named after our good mates at Park Ranger. It delivers a smooth, sweet silky body with mild acidity.

Score:  83.5

Flavour Profile:  Cocoa, Citrus, Caramel

We are excited to share with you some information about the coffee you are drinking! Our mission at Coffee Embassy is to always share and help educate as much as possible, being as transparent as possible. Check out some extra info on the tabs below, or if you would like to know more about the coffees we are always happy to chat! 

Coffee terms/language

Before we get stuck into the details of the origins we would like to go over a few of the coffee terms/language we use every day.

What is a Classic Blend? - A Classic Blend is to offer a consistent flavour profile year in year out. Roasted to a more “medium” colour profile. It delivers on body and sweetness with only mild acidity. Paying homage to the more “old school” coffees of the past.

Cup/Quality Score - Scoring coffee is used to define the quality of the coffee. Scores are given to the individual origins. To be considered “Specialty” a coffee must score a minimum of 80/100. Most Specialty coffees score between 80 – 87. Only a few outstanding coffees will score higher than this.

Roast Degree/Type/colour/style - Back in the days of old, coffee roasts were (and still are by some) only described as being light, medium and dark. These descriptions are still relevant to a point but coffee is no longer as straight forward.  These days ones interpretation of colour can vary from roaster to roaster.  We try to triangulate roast degree (Temperature) Colour and Development of the roast not just the colour (as different origins can colour differently)

Styles: Spot Seasonal Blend, Seasonal Blend, Modern Blend, Classic Blend, Filter.

The Origins

Now we can get stuck into the coffees themselves.


Brazil:  Araponga

Score:  84

Flavour Profile: Milk Chocolate, apple, macadamia, toffee

Process: Natural 

The Araponga region is a micro-region within the Matas de Minas in the estate of Minas Gerais. The region is embraced by the Atlantic forest, which makes it very suitable for the production of specialty coffees.

Another characteristic of the Araponga region is its microclimate. Sometimes a farm can have different microclimates from one crop to another. This contributes to different nuances of flavour in the cup. This region is privileged with high mountains that lead to a range of temperatures and levels of humidity creating the perfect place to grow amazing coffees.

This coffee went through the following process: from the harvest, it was taken to the washing machine for separation by density. Then, cherries were taken to the suspended beds, which remained open for the first two days. In these first two days, the coffee layers were kept thicker to stimulate the natural fermentation of the fruits. After two days, when the moisture content was lower, the layers were thinned and the suspended bed was covered, to ensure a slow and uniform drying. The rest of the drying took an average of 10 days.


Colombia:  Popayán Reserve

Score:  83

Flavour Profile: Balanced acidity with notes of chocolate milk and caramel.

Process: Washed

Popayán is located in the department of Cauca at 1.700 m.a.s.l. The regions topography is perfect to grow exceptional coffee!

The so-called Meseta de Popayan is sheltered by the Andes mountain range which helps generate homogeneous climatic and altitudinal characteristics. The result is a balanced cup profile with floral and caramel notes.

We collaborate with approximately 65 growers who contribute to this program and with whom we build long-term relationships. This program also encourages farmers to focus on quality and based on quality assessment we provide up to 20% premiums above the market price.


This is a good starting point for all of our espresso coffees. Adjust Accordingly to your own preference

Ground Coffee: 20g Espresso 

Weight out: 25g 

Contact Time: 25-30 Seconds

Recommended brewing age

5 – 20 days after roast date


Pay upfront for 3 months coffee supply at a time with our prepaid subscription packages and receive FREE shipping as a thanks for your loyalty. For more info on subscriptions, head to the Subscriptions page.

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