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Prepaid Subscription - Beyond Blend

Prepaid Subscription - Beyond Blend

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Beyond Blend

We are excited to bring you our latest edition of Beyond Seasonal Blend. Beyond is a 2 origin blend of the Colombia Santa Monica and Ethiopia Buku Sayisa.

Score: 86.25
Flavour Profile: Orange, Cola, Berries 

What is Beyond?

A Seasonal Espresso Blend made up of coffees that could represent the future of Espresso blends.

Before we get stuck into the details of the origins I would like to go over a few of the coffee terms/language we use every day. If you would like to know more about the coffees we are always happy to chat!

-James: Head of Coffee-


What is a Seasonal Blend?

A Seasonal Blend is to offer an exciting and complex coffee that is linked up with the coffee harvest season. This allows us to bring you a coffee that is always fresh and flavour driven.

Cup/Quality Score

Scoring coffee is used to define the quality of the coffee. Scores are given to the individual origins. To be considered “Specialty” a coffee must score a minimum of 80/100. Most Specialty coffees score between 80 – 87. Only a few outstanding coffees will score higher than this.

Roast Degree/Type/colour/style

Back in the days of old, coffee roasts were (and still are by some) only described as being light, medium and dark. These descriptions are still relevant to a point but coffee is no longer as straight forward. These days ones interpretation of colour can vary from roaster to roaster. We try to triangulate roast degree (Temperature) Colour and Development of the roast not just the colour (as different origins can colour differently)

Styles: Seasonal Espresso, Modern Espresso, Classic Espresso, Filter.

The Origins

Now we can get stuck into the coffees themselves!

Colombia: Santa Monica

Score: 85.5
Flavour Profile: Blackcurrant, White Chocolate, Lime. Process: Washed

Produced by Jairo Arcila, this coffee is harvested with strict criteria regarding ripeness of the cherries. They are floated and hand sorted to remove any defect cherries - this is an effective way to find any defects as they float while the good cherries sink.
Once sorted, the cherries are then fermented underwater for 30 hours, pulped, then gently washed and dried in temperature controlled conditions until the ideal moisture content is reached.

This microlot is 100% Caturra; this variety is originally from Minas Gerais in Brazil, and is a natural mutation of Red Bourbon. The plants are grown in volcanic ash soil at 1450-1500 MASL in temperatures between 18-28c.

Ethiopia: Buku Sayisa

Score: 87
Flavour Profile: Blueberry, Cola, Chocolate. Process: Natural

This lot is produced in the Guji Zone of the Oromia Region in southern Ethiopia. The altitude in this area ranges from approximately 2000 to 2,300 meters above sea level. This region is characterized by its lush vegetation and fertile soil, which are perfect for coffee cultivation.

The soil type in this region is predominantly rich, well-draining, and nutrient-dense, providing excellent land characteristics for growing exceptional Ethiopian coffee. Additionally, thanks to the high-altitude mountains, rainfall, and soil quality, the coffees develop more complexity, flavour, and structure.

Only the ripe cherries are picked from the trees. After the cherries arrive at the processing station, the team selects the best cherries, removing any that are unripe, overripe, or defective. This step is crucial to ensure a high- quality final product. The selected cherries are then placed on raised beds to sun dry for 2 to 4 weeks or until they reach the optimum moisture level.

The cherries are frequently turned to ensure even drying. After the drying process is completed, the coffees are stored in a cool room for a few weeks. This resting period helps to develop the flavours within the beans. Once the resting period is over, the dried cherries are hulled to remove the dried outer skin and pulp. Next, the beans are milled to remove the parchment layer.

The natural process is known for imparting unique fruity and complex flavours to the coffee beans. It is widely considered one of the most traditional and authentic methods of coffee processing in Ethiopia.

About the Smallholder Farmers

The community in Guji Hambela Buku Saisa is made up of the Guji people, who have a deep cultural connection to coffee. For them, coffee is not merely a crop but a way of life, deeply embedded in their traditions and daily routines. It serves as a source of livelihood, cultural identity, and social cohesion within the community.

They take pride in their heritage of coffee growing and often celebrate the harvest season with festivals and ceremonies. The Guji people’s economy relies predominantly on coffee farming. They typically cultivate coffee using traditional methods and handpick the ripe cherries during the harvest season. They also engage in cooperative efforts to support their community in various aspects of coffee production, from planting and harvesting to processing.

Their commitment to sustainable farming practices and preserving the natural environment reflects their deep respect for the land and their desire to ensure the longevity of their coffee-growing traditions for future generations.


This is a good starting point for all of our espresso coffees. Adjust Accordingly to your own preference

Ground Coffee: 20g Espresso 

Weight out: 25g 

Contact Time: 25-30 Seconds

Recommended Brewing Age

10 – 28 Days after roast date


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