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Finca La Bella

Finca La Bella

Regular price $25.00 NZD
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Finca La Bella

Producer – Teodoro Engelhardt

Location – Sierra De Las Minas, Guatemala

Farm – Finca La Bella

Variety – Pacamara

Altitude – 1450-1650 MASL

Process – Natural

Tasting Notes – Tropical Fruits | Red Berries | Baking Spices

Roasted For – Filter

Teodoro Engelhardt is a fourth generation coffee producer at Finca La Bella, which was established in 1960 and passed down to Teodoro from his late father. The knowledge and expertise passed down through the generations is a testament to Finca La Bella Estate’s exceptional quality coffees, which have been globally acclaimed and have featured multiple times in the Cup of Excellence.

Finca La Bella Estate is located in the Sierra de las Minas mountain range in eastern Guatemala. The mountain streams provide clean water and the area’s cloud forest creates a special microclimate, rich in biodiversity and ideal for coffee production; sweeter coffee can be grown due to the cool weather slowing the ripening of cherries. However, Teodoro dries his coffee in self-built polytunnels to aid drying, due to the constant drizzle and humidity the cloud forest brings.

Teodoro has been competing in Guatemala’s Cup of Excellence for around ten years and strives to produce all of his coffees to a high standard, using the same methods on award winning coffees as all other coffees he produces.

The Pacamara coffee variety was created by The Institute for Coffee Research in the 1950s, and is a hybrid of Pacas (a Bourbon mutation) and Maragogype (n natural mutation of Typica). The plants are highly productive and known for their large sized cherries.

This particular natural process coffee from Finca La Bella is a juicy hit of tropical fruits, a complex cup which we loved from the first slurp as we cupped the initial sample roast. We’re excited for the opportunity to release such a high quality, interesting Guatemalan coffee.

If you would like to purchase this coffee in a 1kg bag, please email us at and we will check our stock levels and arrange directly.

Filter Recipe

This is a good starting point for all of our Filter coffees. Adjust Accordingly to your own preference.

Ground Coffee: 20g

Brewed Weight: 320g

Contact Time: 2:30

Recommended Brewing Age

12 – 30 Days after roast date

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