
  • Recurring Subscriptions

    Pay per delivery with a recurring subscription and we'll add a $5 discount to cover the shipping cost on every 5th delivery, to say thanks for your loyalty!

    Shop Recurring Subscriptions 

Simply sign up to a subscription, choose your amount and frequency, then we'll do the rest! Your card will be charged automatically and coffee will arrive on your doorstep - easy!

Login to your Embassy account or request a login link to your email address to edit your subscription - easily skip, pause, switch or cancel your deliveries at any time from the customer portal.

How Subscriptions Work

Recurring Subscriptions

Recurring subscriptions are automatically charged according to your selected delivery interval. Your coffee will be automatically charged and delivered upon each successful renewal. You will receive an automatic discount of free shipping (=$5 discount) every 5th delivery as a thanks for your loyalty.

Prepaid Subscriptions

Prepaid subscriptions are paid for upfront every 3 months in one bulk payment. We will send your coffee each week, fortnight, or month depending on your selection, and the upfront cost calculates a 50% discount on the total shipping cost of your deliveries across each 3 month payment period, to say thanks for your loyalty in committing to a subscription with us!

Can I pause or cancel a subscription?

Yes, of course. You can pause or cancel a subscription any time you want in the customer portal. Please note a prepaid subscription can only be paused, not cancelled, for the duration you have already paid for. Cancelling a prepaid subscription will stop any further charges going through for the following 3 months.

How can I skip or reschedule a charge?

You can skip or reschedule the charge for recurring subscriptions in the customer portal. Each scheduled delivery will have a Skip payment button next to it, which you can use to skip the charge. You can reschedule the charge by clicking on the Reschedule button next to the delivery date.

Can I add products to my subscription?

Of course. You can add products to your subscription in the customer portal. Just click on the Edit button in the products card and edit, remove or add products to your subscription.

What happens if the payment can't be processed?

If the subscription can't be renewed because a payment can't be processed you will receive an email with a link where you can safely update your payment method. The payment will be tried 3 times with a day in between each attempt. The subscription will be automatically cancelled if the payment is not fulfilled after 3 attempts.