Luz Helena
Luz Helena
Producer – Luz Helena Salazar
Location – Armenia, Quindío
Farm – Finca Maracay
Variety – Caturra
Altitude – 1450 MASL
Process – Washed
Tasting Notes – Apricot | Mandarin | Elderflower
Roasted For – Filter
Luz Helena Salazar has been producing coffee for over 20 years in her hometown of Armenia, the capital of the Quindío department in Western Colombia. Her 8-hectare farm Maracay sits at 1450 MASL, where she has improved farm practises and focuses on producing high quality coffee cherries.
Luz is the mother of Carlos and Felipe Arcila who run Cofinet as exporters, and the wife of another well-known coffee farmer, Jairo Arcila (who produces another coffee in our current rotation, Santa Monica). Luz’s passion for coffee was inspired by her husband who also spent time as a dry mill manager, and Luz has learnt how to care for coffee plants and produce high quality, ripe cherries, drawing on Jairo’s knowledge to work through challenges with insects. Once the cherries are ripe, they are taken to Cofinet’s processing station, La Pradera.
This coffee is roasted for filter brewing. It has fresh apricot, juicy mandarin and elderflower flavours, with a mellow citric acidity, clean fruit-like sweetness and a soft mouthfeel.
Recommended Brewing Age
12 – 30 Days after roast date